Punk Security joins JOSCAR
We are proud to be an approved supplier on the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register (JOSCAR)
Melissa has worked in IT for 14 years, starting her career in the Royal Air Force and then transitioning to work on technical projects in UK local government. She is a keen project manager, a true believer in DevOps agility and a certified Scrum Master.
Melissa is the CEO at Punk Security and keeps the show on the road! As a seasoned infra engineer, she understands the pain many organisations suffer when trying to innovate and deliver cutting edge initiatives.
We are proud to be an approved supplier on the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register (JOSCAR)
Our Hack Attack event @ The Guildhall draws in a packed audience of business leaders.
DTX Europe invited us to host an interactive feature for their attendees to get a hands-on cyber experience.
We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have been accepted onto the Cyber Runway GROW cohort, organised by Plexal on behalf of the UK Government.
We brought DevSecOps to UK Cyber Week with some tricky little challenges
We interviewed our newest member of the team, Victoria, for International Women’s Day 2023
Punk Security is officially an award winning business!