We sponsored BSIDES Cheltenham 2024 with awesome badges (AGAIN)

Such an awesome event to sponsor
Such an awesome event to sponsor

Our funky PCB Art badges made it back to BSIDES Cheltenham!

BSIDES Cheltenham is a cyber security conference here in the UK, which takes place in Cheltenham (down south) and is one of the more popular BSIDES events in the calendar. For the last 2 years it’s taken place at the horse racing course in Cheltenham, which is huge, and somehow manages to always get good weather.

This year we didn’t do any talks, mainly because our directors were also busy at EMF Camp, but we did produce some pretty awesome PCB conference badges to suit the UFO theme.

ufo back

Why UFO badges?

We sponsored BSIDES Cheltenham 2023 with awesome Delorean badges to suit their “Back to the Future” theme, and we raised over £300 by accident! This year, we were determined to do much better so we came back with these awesome UFO badges which double up as a fully working PCB!

Our stand was busy all day, with some adhoc soldering repairs and a lot of component kits sold. We raised over £1500 for CALM, which is a suicide prevention charity that does amazing work. BSIDES Cheltenham held a raffle and sticker stall, raising over £2500 for CALM!

simon soldering

It is never too late to donate though, head on over to CALM and give generously. They do some amazing work for suicide prevention.

You can get all the PCB files, schematics, code etc on our Github

You know us Punks love to opensource, so everything you need to order your own UFO (as is, or customised) is available on our Github. We’ve even got STL files up there so you can 3D print yourself a case.

How to build your own conference badges 🤖

Simon gave a talk last year at BSIDES Cheltenham explaining how you can build your own PCB Art badges. You can check that our here

Why BSIDES Cheltenham?

Because it’s awesome.

  • There were 3 recorded tracks this year, with a dedicated rookie track.
  • It’s free to attend.
  • The organisers are just genuinely really nice people… and one of them has a replica enigma!
  • There are awesome workshops too…

Car Hacking, Safe Cracking and Escape rooms

The workshops this year were awesome, with a hackable racing simulator and safes to crack courtesy of KSEC.

ESC - The Cyber Escape Room co. ran a live, interactive Bank Heist escape room which we just managed to catch the tail end of…

ESC at BSIDES Cheltenham

For more information, email us at [email protected] or call us on 01609 635 932


Simon Gurney

- CTO -

Simon is one of the Punk Security Directors and has over 17 years experience working within IT, primarily focused on automation and InfoSec.

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